60 years ago, the first NUK Products came onto the market. A lot has changed since then. But what has stayed the same is a baby’s need for love and a feeling of safety. And the desire of you, their parents, to make the best start in life possible for them. NUK wants to support you in doing that today, tomorrow and in the future.
“Everything we do for our children has an impact on later life”. Based on this conviction NUK has been dedicating itself for years now to developing products that support and promote the healthy development of your child – consistently and in the long term. More than 60 years ago, the orthodontist Prof. Dr. Dr. Balters and the dentist Dr. med. Dent. Muller developed the first natural and orthodontic soother fashioned on the shape of the mothers nipple during breastfeeding. NUK soothers have been designed to simulate mothers nipple during breastfeeding and thus to optimally fit baby’s oral cavity. They satisfy the natural sucking desire and train the muscles of the jaw which plays an essential role in learning to eat and to speak later on.